“Rosi, Frida, Nelke, Reaparle ...”, when Maria and Martin Grüner talk
about their animals, they get into raptures. 40 mountain goats, two
donkeys a herd of mountain sheep, a coop full of chickens and the dog
Monk have found a loving home.
The white gold, as Martin calls it, can be tasted at the cheese buffet in the Hotel Riml in Hochgurgl.
The young farmers have been running the mountain farm in Obergurgl in the 5th generation since 2018 and
have become entirely dedicated to dairy goat farming. Since then there has been tinkering in their own
cheese dairy, experimented and tried – inspired by cheese makers from Piedmont and southern France.
Driven by the idea by combining Ötztal primal power and fine cheesemaking in a high-quality product,
Martin puts all his heart and soul into the production. The Gurgl farm cheese dairy has been officially recognized
as certified milk processing company in 2019 and the first goat cheese specialties are already being sold at the Farm shop counter. The standard range includes two types of soft cheese with white milk mold and wood ash and a hard cheese –
matured for 6 months and refined in the rock cellar at 13 °C, the treasury of the court.

A special taste experience and cheese maker Martin’s pride and joy: the light one nutty blue cheese.
The secret recipe for all cheese creations: only fresh raw milk, high hygiene standards in keeping and processing (which contribute significantly to the subtle taste) and a lot of patience during processing. The end product: an exclusive and extraordinary cheese which is naturally rich in trace elements and vitamin A and which is carefully processed to give it its perfect taste.
“The exercise in intact nature, high-quality food and a lot of attention in the form of loving caresses are crucial for the animals’ wellbeing. Consequently, the consistently high quality of the goat’s milk can be guaranteed.” The animal welfare stands for Maria and Martin Grüner at the top. And so, it is obvious that their goats spend the summer months from
May to October on the surrounding pastures in Obergurgl, where high alpine grasses and herbs such as wild thyme are on the menu. During the winter the goats are in the barn and are provided with hay they have brought in and high-quality animal muesli. The young couple’s work is characterized by their deep roots in the region and their awareness of animals
and the environment.
“For us, responsible agriculture means only keeping as many animals as the farms' own hay yield allows.
We take care of every move ourselves – from mowing the hay to milking and making cheese”, explains Martin proudly. The waste products from cheese production, such as whey, also make excellent pig feed. So, nothing is wasted. That is sustainability in it's purest form.
The goat cheese specialties and other products from his own production – such as jam, syrup, meat from baby goats, sausages and bacon from the farms' own alpine pigs as well as lamb and tanned sheepskins – are available in the farm shop in Obergurgl.
Gurglerstraße 94
6456 Obergurgl
Tel. +43 (0) 699 195 353 00
Opening times farm shop:
Wednesday - Friday 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Outside opening hours, just give us a call.