a glimpse into the history book
The name Riml and the people who carry it are closely associated with the history of Ötztal. Today you find the name on hotels and sports stores but it all started with a cobbler's workshop.

How it began
in the 1930s. Peter Paul Scheiber was a shoemaker with his own workshop. Thanks to an inheritance, he was able to build a house and marry his wife Anna with whom he had three daughters. When Peter Paul Scheiber died before his time, his oldest daughter Cilli found work in a kitchen. Cilli proved to be so good at her job that she was made kitchen manager at only 15 years old. The new renter of the cobbler's workshop was Sepp Riml who later married Cilli.

From Cobbler to hotelier
The first big career move for the Rimls was to open their own ski renatal store. In addition, Sepp invented the double-laced ski boot, a huge sales hit that drew customers from all over Tirol. Determinded to grow their business, the Rimls decided to build another store in Hochgurgl. When the couple learned that the land they hat in mind was zoned for hospitality business only, they made the auspicious decision to build a hotel instead, the Hotel Ideal. A few years later, the Rimls purchased the old Hotel Hochland, renamed it Hotel Riml and turnded it into the Alps highest 4-star hotel. Today the siblings Gerold and Evi Riml rung the Riml empire togheter with their kids.

Vom Skiverleih zum Hotel
Ganz auf Expansionskurs entschlossen sich die Rimls schließlich zum Bau einer zweiten Filiale in Hochgurgl, als sie die Nachricht ereilte, dass lediglich ein Hotel zum Bau zugelassen sei, jedoch nicht ein reines Sportgeschäft. Durch diesen Stolperstein wurde die schicksalsträchtige Entscheidung zur Eröffnung des Hotels Ideal angestoßen. Ein paar Jahre später kam das ehemalige Hotel Hochland in den Kreis der Familienbetriebe, das heute als höchstgelegenes Vier-Sterne-Hotel der Alpen und unter dem Namen Hotel Riml Urlauber aus nah und fern anzieht.
Heute werden die Riml Betriebe von den Geschwistern Gerold und Evi Riml zusammen mit ihren Kindern geführt.