When Andrea Grüner raves about Prince and Madonna, she is not talking about the famous pop legends. She is talking about her alpacas. Her herd of alpacas in Gurgl now numbers 24. Apart from their melodious names, the adaptable animals have another special feature: they are ideal hiking companions. See it for yourself on guided alpaca hikes in Gurgl.
What began with two animals replacing her deceased dogs is now - nine years later and with two dozen animals - much more than a hobby. In the village of Angern in Gurgl, Andrea Grüner lives in idyllic harmony with Penelope, Maddox and co. The animals, which originate from the South American Andes, live in an open playpen with an outdoor enclosure. And the peaceful animals seem to be enjoying life in the Ötztal. “The alpacas radiate such peace and serenity that you can‘t help but slow down in their presence,“ says the enthusiastic
alpaca owner.
The emphatic animals, which are also used for therapeutic purposes elsewhere, are a wonderful outlet for stressed holidaymakers and for those seeking relaxation. “By the way, they only spit when they are frightened. Or when they are jealous of food,“ laughs Andrea. In addition to their gentleness, the llamas are prized for the quality of their wool. Once a year, the animals are shorn of their fleecy coat. The valuable wool is used to make beds, blankets, yoga mats and health-promoting soaps.
But back to the walks. Andrea offers 1.5 hour hikes with her alpacas in summer and winter. At the stable in Gurgl, each participant is given an animal to hold - if they wish - and after a short introduction you can get started. You will walk at the pace of the alpacas along the Gurgler Ache river, through meadows and forests. “The calmer the guide, the calmer the alpaca.

In a way, the animals are a mirror of the soul
Walking in the company of animals is also a wonderful exercise for mindfulness, as you focus your awareness on the here and now. So it‘s best to leave your smartphone in your pocket - except for a souvenir photo for those at home. And so the walk becomes a beautiful experience and an enrichment for both people and animals. Or as one 94-year-old participant recently put it: “The most beautiful experience I‘ve ever had“. And that‘s saying something!
Andrea Grüner
Gurglerstr. 73 | 6456 Gurgl
+43 664 76 37 603
· Hike with alpaca € 35 p.p.
· Hike without alpaca € 20 p.p. (min. 3 alpacas per hike)