Discover the joy of “petra… mein schmuckstück” - beautiful pieces handcrafted by a designer who loves the unusual.
It’s hard to say who has more sparkle: the designer or her creations. The artist Petra Haid has great style, personality and a sense for elegant yet accessible jewelry. Despite being self-taught and coming late to the game, Petra Haid
managed to revolutionize Austria’s jewelry scene with designs that touch people’s hearts. In 2006, Petra Haid started to create jewelry from deer antlers, beautiful pieces of connection to Tirol and it’s customs and traditions.
It didn’t take long for Petra Haid to add other materials to her creations. “I’m especially fond of silver and pearls,
but lately I’ve also been working with diamonds and gold. I realized that to grow my business I had to up the ante and
become more exclusive,” the designer explains. “I love it when I see that my jewelry makes people happy and
they are proud to wear my creations”, she adds, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Overall I’ve been very lucky.
I’ve met the “right” people: men and women who fell in love with my pieces and wanted to wear them or market
them for me. I now know that this was meant to be my path “, Mrs. Haid, who works in a light-flooded workshop
overlooking Telfs, summarizes her career change. Petra Haid who does not even consider herself an artist, is a
maker and doer who loves to be creative, and she takes the same level of passion to the business side of jewelry making.
Soon a new idea started to blossom in her mind. “I am always trying to find inspiration in things that touch our
hearts and have a meaning in our lives. And I found this in the daisy. It is the simplest of flowers but evokes such
strong childhood memories. Memories of picking them in the garden for your mother, of making daisy chains.
I wanted to honor the basic prettiness and innocence of this flower by turning it into a beautiful piece of jewelry.
“Petra’s flower design turned out to be an immediate hit and she was commissioned to design a line for the “Tirol”
brand. Petra Haid not only designs jewelry for “petra…mein schmuckstück“ with courage, passion, joy and talent
but also her own life. You can see her creations in her workshop or online at:

Petra ... Mein Schmuckstück
Josef-Falkner-Straße 21e, A-6410 Telfs
Tel. +43 (0) 650 74 05 172