Lady Carver

Atomic - Cloud C9

Technical details

Length: 143 / 150 / 157 / 164 cm
Radius: 13,1 m
Sidecut: 116,5 / 72 / 101,5 mm
Price + Binding: EUR 600,00


The Cloud 9 by Atomic is not new, but by no means outdated. Also this winter, this ski puts not athletic ambition, but joy first. This on-piste allrounder does also support higher speed levels, but its excellence deninitely lies in easy turn initiation, little effort and convincing smoothness.

What are Lady Carver?

Fehlerverzeihendes Sportgerät für Damen, denen neben leichter Handhabung auch das Styling wichtig ist. Beste Eignung für den unteren bis mittleren Tempobereich.

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