Race Carver

Atomic - Redster G9 Revoshock

Technical details

Length: 167 / 172 / 177 / 182 cm
Radius: 18,2 m
Sidecut: 110 / 68 / 96,5 mm
Price + Binding: EUR 1149,00


That you are actually dealing with a purebred race carver will be obvious on icy slopes at the latest, because even the most demanding conditions will not disrupt the directional stability of the Redster G9 Revoshock. This is due to the eponymous Revoshock-Technology, acting as a reliable dampening system for vibrations.

What are Race Carver?

Weltcuporientierter Riesenslalomski mit extremer Laufruhe auch im obersten Tempobereich. Bester Kantengriff bei mittleren bis längeren Schwungradien auf harter Piste.

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