Some people collect stamps, others collect art. Thomas Bachnetzer
from Sautens, however, has a soft spot for the history
of skiing and now has a considerable collection of vintage ski
equipment. In this interview, he tells us how he became a passionate
collector and the fascination behind it.
You collect a hundred years of skiing history. Can you tell us more about that and reveal, which aspects of the history of skiing are particularly exciting for you?
I collect ski equipment, clothing and accessories from the early days of skiing, starting in the 1890s right up to the 1990s. My collection only includes items that were produced, used and worn in this century. I find the (further) development of ski material particularly interesting.
When did your passion for collecting begin? Was there a particular moment or experience that sparked this interest?
The impetus for my passion for collecting came from a pair of my grandfather's skis from the 1950s. When I received this special heirloom from my grandmother in 2016, I was hooked, so to speak.
How big is your collection at the moment?
My collection currently comprises around 1,500 pairs of skis, 300 to 400 pairs of ski boots, and countless accessories such as goggles, helmets and gloves, and of course, retro ski suits in every colour of the rainbow. In short, everything you need for skiing. I also have an impressive selection of old lift tickets - preferably from the Ötztal.
Is there a particular item that you are especially proud of?
I am particularly proud of two pairs of skis by the Austrian Mathias Zdarsky, the founder of alpine skiing technology. But some local gems are also among my favourites - including skis from Scheiber/Alfa, which were manufactured in the Ötztal until the 1980s.

Where do you get the items for your collection? What criteria do you use to choose the pieces you include?
Most of the pieces were given to me by private individuals and I bought them at flea markets or online. The story behind each individual item is particularly important to me. For me, the true value of an object is only revealed through its origin and the memories associated with it.
Do you actively use your collectors' items? For example, do you hit the slopes with the old wooden skis or in retro ski suits?
Yes, there are even special ski days and ski races where only equipment from a certain period of time may be used. You often see me in a retro look in my free time, too. I'm often asked to pose for photos, what, of course, makes me happy, because I'm thrilled by people's interest.
Is there a place where people can view your collection? Do you exhibit it somewhere in public?
I regularly make parts of my collection available for exhibitions in museums, schools or shops. I also present excerpts from my collection on my Instagram account @retro_skifluencer_tyrol.