Kaiserschmarrn is a scrambled sweet pancake that originated in Austria during the time of Emperor Franz Josef I. The name is a c ompound of the German
word Kaiser which means Emperor and Schmarrn which can be translated as scrambled. This heavenly fluffy dish is best cooked and served in a cast-iron
pan, accompanied by Zwetschkenröster, a compote made from plums. Here Harald, chef at Hotel Riml in Hochgurgl, shares his recipe for the perfect Kaiserschmarrn so you can enjoy a piece of Austria at home!
To give your raisins some extra flavor and make them truly plump and juicy, soak them in rum overnight. If cooking for kids, use water
instead of rum. And if you don’t like raisins at all, just skip them.
1. In a mixing bowl beat together milk, eggs, vanilla sugar,
and salt. Gradually whish in the flour to make a smooth
batter. Add the rum if you wish.
2. In a large skillet, melt 2 tablespoons butter over medium
heat. Pour the batter into the skillet, top with raisins,
cover with a lid and cook until the pancake has set and
the bottom is golden brown. Flip the pancake and cook
until this side is also golden brown.
3. Using a spatula or two forks, tear the pancake into
bite-size pieces. Drizzle in the melted butter, some
more rum, and sprinkle with confectioners‘ sugar. Turn
up the heat to medium high and use a spatula to gently
toss the pieces until the sugar has caramelized. Sprinkle
with additional confectioners‘ sugar and serve with
plum preserves.