When producing our new magazine this year, we placed particular emphasis on environmental protection. As a sports company that is deeply rooted in nature and lives from it, we have a special responsibilit to preserve our unique mountain world. As almost every sport in our region is an outdoor sport, it is only natural that we want to do everything we can to preserve this natural beauty.

That is why we have also taken an environmentally conscious approach for our ‘Snow Society’ magazine. In co-operation with a leading company for print production on uncoated paper and one of the best providers of CO2-optimised printing in the Alpine region, we have found a partner that is characterised by a particularly environmentally friendly way of working.

The result: our magazine is printed entirely on uncoated paper and
is virtually odourless. We have also deliberately dispensed with cellophane wrapping on the cover so that we do not use any plastic at all. It takes many small and large steps to make a significant contribution to environmental protection. We take this responsibility seriously, even if it comes at a cost. We are convinced that it is worth investing in the preservation of our nature and a sustainable future.

Responsible printing:
Our contribution to climate protection.